Advanced utility scale solar PV portfolio

Electryon Power Inc.offers a unique opportunity to enter a rapidly scalable utility scale solar platform in Colombia, beginning with the construction of our first two (2) flagship projects: Helios Guamo – 19.9MWac and Helios Lanceros – 19.9MWac.

A solar PV scalable platform in Colombia

Electryon Power Inc. offers a unique opportunity to enter a rapidly scalable utility scale solar platform in Colombia, beginning with the construction of our first two (2) flagship projects:
Helios Guamo – 19.9MWac and Helios Lanceros – 19.9MWac

Advancedutility scale solar PV portfolio

A solar PV scalable platform in Colombia

Electryon Power Inc.offers a unique opportunity to enter a rapidly scalable utility scale solar platform in Colombia, beginning with the construction of our first two (2) flagship projects: Helios Guamo – 19.9MWac and Helios Lanceros – 19.9MWac.

Helios Guamo

  • 19.9 MWac PV solar plant at 34.5kV.
  • lnterconnection approval: March 3rd, 2023.
  • RTB target: Q3 2023.
  • COD target: December 31st, 2024.
  • Construction CAPEX: ~USD$16M.
Achieved Milestones:
  • Interconnection approval from UPME
  • Non-binding offers for long-term PPAs with bankable counterparties.
  • +30 years lease with landowners.
  • Basic engineering designs (PV plant + project’s substations).
  • Filing of Environmental Impact Assessment study to Cortolima.
  • Technical studies: Geotechnical, topography,hydrology, soil studies.l

Helios Lanceros

  • 19.9 MWac PV solar plant at 34.5kV.
  • Interconnection approval: Q1 2023.
  • RTB target: Q3 2023.
  • COD target: December 31st, 2024.
  • Construction CAPEX: ~USD$16M.
Achieved Milestones:
  • Interconnection approval from UPME
  • Non-binding offers for long-term PPAs with bankable counterparties.
  • +30 years lease with landowners.
  • Basic engineering designs (PV plant + project’s substations).
  • Filing of Environmental Impact Assessment study to Cortolima.
  • Technical studies: Geotechnical, topography,hydrology, soil studies.l

Helios Guamo – 19.9MWac
Completed activities and milestones:

  • Registry Phase I UPME.
  • Non-bindingoffers for long-term PPAs with bankable counterparties.
  • Presentation of interconnection bond to XM S.A.(SBLC).
  • Advanced PPA and EPC negotiations.
  • Agreement with landowners for a 30-year lease.
  • Basic designs of the solar PV plant + project’ssubstation.
  • Submission of the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) to Cortolima, whichincludes the execution of the following activities, amongst others:
  1. Characterization of the abiotic systems.
  2. Detailed topography of the Project’s site.
  3. Geology, geotechnical, hydrology, and soil studies.
  4. Monitoring of quality of water, air and noise.
  5. Analysis of uses of water resources in the area.
  6. Analysis and measurements of existing bodies of water.
  7. Flora and fauna characterization and site visit confirmation.
  8. Structural designs for crossings of bodies of water in the area of the Project.
  9. Socialization of the Project with the local communities.
  10. Socio-economic analysis of the Project.
  11. Archeological survey and analysis.
  12. Identification of environmental social impacts of the Project.
  13. Presentation of environmental management Plan.
  14. Presentation of environmental compensation Plan.
Helios Guamo (Espinal 09). Kmz

Helios Lanceros – 19.9MWac
Completed activities and milestones:

  • Registry Phase I UPME.
  • Non-bindingoffers for long-term PPAs with bankable counterparties.
  • Presentation of interconnection bond to XM S.A.(SBLC).
  • Advanced PPA and EPC negotiations.
  • Agreement with landowners for a 30-year lease.
  • Basic designs of the solar PV plant + project’ssubstation.
  • Submission of the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) to Cortolima, whichincludes the execution of the following activities, amongst others:
  1. Characterization of the abiotic systems.
  2. Detailed topography of the Project’s site.
  3. Geology, geotechnical, hydrology, and soil studies.
  4. Monitoring of quality of water, air and noise.
  5. Analysis of uses of water resources in the area.
  6. Analysis and measurements of existing bodies of water.
  7. Flora and fauna characterization and site visit confirmation.
  8. Structural designs for crossings of bodies of water in the area of the Project.
  9. Socialization of the Project with the local communities.
  10. Socio-economic analysis of the Project.
  11. Archeological survey and analysis.
  12. Identification of environmental social impacts of the Project.
  13. Presentation of environmental management Plan.
  14. Presentation of environmental compensation Plan.
Helios Lanceros 17 .Kmz

A renewable energy platform for the future

A renewable energy investor & developer in Latin America
